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Access detailed ASCII codes instantly with our comprehensive ASCII Table tool.
Perfect for developers, students, and enthusiasts, it's accurate and user-friendly.

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ASCII Table: Comprehensive Character Code Reference

The ASCII Table tool serves as an essential reference for understanding the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) values of characters in a structured tabular format. Whether you're a developer, student, or researcher, this tool provides quick access to detailed character information.

What it Does

The ASCII Table offers a comprehensive view of ASCII characters and their corresponding values. It lists characters alongside their decimal (DEC), hexadecimal (HEX), and binary (BIN) representations. This facilitates precise coding, character manipulation, and understanding of digital text encoding standards.

How to Use It

Using the ASCII Table is straightforward. Presented in a user-friendly tabular layout on this page, simply navigate or search for the character of interest. Each entry displays the character itself along with its DEC, HEX, and BIN values, providing clarity and convenience for technical tasks.


The ASCII Table offers numerous benefits for users across various disciplines. It aids programmers in ASCII-based programming tasks, facilitates character encoding and decoding, and supports educational purposes by enhancing understanding of digital communication standards.

Advanced Features

Beyond basic character listings, the ASCII Table may include additional features like sorting options, printable versions, or export capabilities. These advanced functionalities cater to users requiring enhanced customization or integration with their workflow.


The utility of the ASCII Table spans multiple applications in computing, telecommunications, and educational fields. It assists in character mapping for software development, facilitates data transmission protocols, and serves as a learning tool for understanding binary-to-text encoding principles.


In summary, the ASCII Table on PixiTools provides a valuable resource for anyone needing precise information on ASCII character codes. Whether you're debugging software, studying digital communication standards, or simply exploring the fundamentals of ASCII encoding, this tool delivers accuracy and accessibility at your fingertips.